“Do you get frustrated because you always have something to be treated or repaired when you visit a dentist?”
It’s the last question on the health-history questionnaire at Dr. Steven Cutbirth’s and an alarming number of new patients check “yes,” and I have often wondered why. If a knowledgeable dentist looks at a patient’s dentition, they should be able to tell what issues that patient will have over the next 10-15 years, baring an accident.
Our patient in the photos above is a healthcare worker from a town about 3 hours from Waco. For privacy purposes, we will refer to her as Patient X. This patient had been going to the dentist her whole life. When a tooth was in pain, Patient X’s dentist would fix that tooth. When another tooth would break, he would fix that tooth. When Patient X came to see Dr. Cutbirth, a tooth on her upper right had broken and was in pain.
Like every patient that visits Dr. Cutbirth for the first time, Dr. Cutbirth interviewed Patient X in his private office. This patient stated that she was tired of messing with her teeth. We feel strongly that every patient who walks in the door of our office has the right to know everything going on with their teeth. So after a thorough assessment of her situation, Patient X and her husband sat down with Dr. Cutbirth in a consultation. Using scientific diagnostic photographs and photographs of this patient’s own teeth, Patient X and Dr. Cutbirth put together a plan that will allow her to keep her teeth for the rest of her life.
Patient X lost the tooth in the upper right and that space was replaced. Old leaky mercury amalgam fillings were replaced with tooth colored bonded composites and porcelain crowns. In addition to functional issues, Patient X chose to improve the esthetics of her smile with porcelain veneers.
Patient X is the perfect example of “Comprehensive Dentistry.” We are really no different than a home remodeler or a mechanic. People don’t want a car that has a wheel come off when they are 2 hours from home – most people want a car that can go on a road trip. Occasional maintenance is inevitable, but most people want teeth that are healthy, functional, comfortable & esthetic.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Steven T. Cutbirth in Waco TX, call us today at (254) 772-5420.