Occasionally, it may be beneficial to extract a tooth from the mouth. Don’t worry! Restorative dentist Dr. Steven T. Cutbirth takes a conservative approach to dental extractions. He will only perform a tooth extraction if it is the right thing to do for your long-term health and comfort.
Why Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?
Situations that may lead to an extraction include:
- Severely damaged or decaying teeth
- Impacted wisdom teeth
- Overcrowded teeth
- Emergency tooth extraction
A tooth extraction or tooth removal can also prepare the smile to become more functional and aesthetically appealing. Some patients may have overcrowding and need a tooth extracted in order to undergo orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign.
Risks of Not Extracting a Tooth
A tooth only needs to be extracted when the dental situation is serious. At Steven Cutbirth, DDS, we will do everything we can to prevent you from needing teeth extracted, but sometimes, the only solution is to remove the problem tooth so the rest of your mouth can heal.
If decay or damage has degraded a tooth to the point that it is unfixable with a filling, crown, or root canal, the best option is to extract the tooth. If you don’t remove the tooth, you put yourself at risk of the following:
- Infection: Your other teeth surrounding the original damaged tooth can become infected as can your jawbone and even your bloodstream. These infections can be damaging and even fatal.
- Pain: You are also probably in severe pain because the tooth needs to come out. Often, the only way to ease that pain is through extraction.
- Misalignment: Finally, if you need a tooth extracted because of overcrowded teeth or a misaligned bite, leaving the tooth in will only make those problems worse. You may not be able to bite or talk properly, and crowded and misaligned teeth create areas that are very difficult to clean, making it likely that you’ll get cavities.
We will only extract your tooth if it is the best solution for your overall oral and physical health. We will do all we can to keep you as comfortable as possible during the process, and Dr. Cutbirth will use his restorative dentistry expertise to replace your tooth with a natural-looking and beautiful replacement.
The Tooth Extraction Process
What should you expect from your tooth extraction? Tooth removal is a simple process. Our clinical staff will take x-rays to assess the tooth in question, and then we will review your anesthesia and sedation dentistry options with you. We will make sure that you feel comfortable with your tooth extraction procedure and recovery process long before an actual extraction.
We will then gently remove the tooth. You may feel some pressure, but you should not experience any pain. If you require tooth replacement, we will discuss dental implants and dental bridges with you so that you can have your second chance at a beautiful smile.
Wisdom Teeth Removal In Waco, TX
Your wisdom teeth—or third molars—are your last set of adult teeth to grow in. They erupt between the ages of 17 and 25. Not everyone has wisdom teeth. Sometimes, wisdom teeth grow in properly and never cause any trouble or discomfort. Often, however, wisdom teeth’s appearance can be painful and even damaging to the surrounding teeth by moving the surrounding teeth due to lack of jaw space.
Sometimes, wisdom teeth become partially or fully trapped (impacted) in your gums or jawbone. When this happens, it can result in infection, cavities, gum disease, and other oral health issues. Because of the far back of mouth location of wisdom teeth, if erupted, wisdom teeth are often difficult for patients to clean and maintain proper dental hygiene.
Why Would I Need My Wisdom Teeth Extracted?
Our team will help you monitor your wisdom teeth and determine if wisdom teeth removal is important for you. Wisdom teeth can lead to:
- A misaligned smile as wisdom teeth push on the surrounding teeth.
- Painful impaction of the wisdom teeth
- Partial eruption and a passageway for bacteria to enter the soft tissue
- Gum infections
- Jawbone cysts
- Jawbone loss
Steven Cutbirth, DDS, completed a two-year office oral surgery fellowship at Baylor College of Dentistry in Dallas, TX, and has the surgical skills necessary to perform your wisdom teeth removal if needed.
For your wisdom teeth removal, Dr. Cutbirth will extract the teeth carefully and gently. We will provide information and medications following your appointment to give you a speedy recovery.
Tooth Extraction FAQs
How Long After Tooth Extraction Can I Eat?
It is important to stick with softer foods until 24 hours after your tooth extraction and then it is best to avoid chewing at the site of the dental extraction for a couple of weeks.
How Long Does Pain Last After Tooth Extraction?
Pain from a tooth extraction, including impacted wisdom teeth removal, can last anywhere from 1–3 days and sometimes can fade within just a few hours of the tooth removal procedure.
When Is It Safe To Drink Soda After Tooth Extraction Surgery?
It is best to avoid carbonated beverages for 48–72 hours after a tooth extraction procedure.
What Options Are There To Replace the Tooth?
If you had a tooth extracted because it was not necessary for oral function, like your wisdom teeth or a tooth that was causing overcrowding, then replacing the tooth is not necessary. There won’t be any gap in your smile.
If you need a tooth extracted because it was damaged, decayed, or infected, there are a few ways to replace that tooth. You’ll probably get a temporary tooth often called a “flipper” that you can wear to fill the gap while looking at more permanent options.
These days, dental implants are a common and effective long-term way to replace missing teeth. You might also get a dental bridge. Talk to our team to decide which option is the best for you.
Get Safe and Comfortable Tooth Extraction in Waco, TX
To learn more about wisdom teeth removal or any other form of tooth extraction, call our Waco office today!