Do you have dental anxiety? If you are dreading some upcoming dental treatment, you may want to consider sleep dentistry. Sedation is safe The most important thing to know is that oral conscious sedation or sleep dentistry is perfectly safe. At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we have been providing sedation since 1981. We offer different […]
Help Me, I’m Afraid Of The Dentist!
If you are afraid of your dentist, you are not alone. At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we encounter many nervous dental patients. How do we calm their fears, provide a comfortable dental environment, and earn lifelong patients? 1) We carefully explain the findings of the initial dental examination and thoroughly outline any recommended treatment. The […]
Be Wise About Your Wisdom Teeth
Today at Steven T. Cuthbirth DDS we’d like to discuss the often misunderstood subject of wisdom teeth. The Third Molars Wisdom teeth are sometimes called the third molars because they are even farther back in the mouth than the two sets of regular molars we all have. These four teeth usually erupt when a person […]
It’s Not About Vanity
Since 1981, Steven T. Cutbirth DDS has been providing confidence and dignity to our amazing Waco and Waco patients through cosmetic dentistry and cosmetic dentistry. Many Waco people seem to have it all together with bright eyes and great smiles. We want you to be on the same footing as your friends, colleagues, and customers. […]
Modern Dental Technology Makes Treatment Less Scary
Many Waco residents are afraid to go to the dentist. For some people with dental anxiety, it’s because they had a painful experience at the dentist when they were young. Others fear needles or a perceived lack of control. Another oft-cited reason individuals are scared of the dentist is the dreaded dental drill. If you need […]
What Sets Steven T. Cutbirth DDS Apart?
At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we are to educate patients. We know that optimal dental health depends on accurate information. General Dental Procedures Suppose you need a cavity filled or want to restore a tooth with a dental implant. We make sure we explain all procedures and answer our patients’ questions. We also explain how […]