Do you have dental anxiety? If you are dreading some upcoming dental treatment, you may want to consider sleep dentistry. Sedation is safe The most important thing to know is that oral conscious sedation or sleep dentistry is perfectly safe. At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we have been providing sedation since 1981. We offer different […]
5 Reasons to Schedule a Dental Cleaning Today
1. Protect Your Gums It’s not only acute tooth decay that can damage a tooth until it is beyond saving. Gum disease that leads to bone loss is just as dangerous. Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque that creates pockets of infection between the gums and tooth roots. This leads to periodontitis, […]
Why is the 4-Step Tooth Implant Timeline Necessary?
If you’ve visited our website before you know that implants are the preferable tooth restoration for most men and women with a missing tooth. The dental implant process can take several dental visits over a period of months. Don’t let this discourage you. At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we know each stage of the procedure […]
A Fast Way To Brighten Your Smile
Teeth bleaching is a fast smile brightener Teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to improve your smile. It is quick, affordable, and non-invasive. According to Stephen T. Cutbirth DDS, though some cosmetic dentistry patients experience short-term sensitivity, most experience no tooth-whitening pain at all. If you have looked into teeth whitening systems, you […]
Dental Problem? There Is Always A Solution!
There is no doubt that a healthy, pleasing smile positively affects one’s life. It lets us convey confidence and friendliness in business and social settings. At Steven T. Cutbirth DDS, we know that a beautiful healthy smile also influences our personal relationships. When we smile, we appear younger and more attractive. Research has shown that […]
Gum Disease Linked To Alzheimer’s: Keep Those Gums Healthy!
As if you needed another reason to keep your gums in top condition. Scientists have found a connection between a bacteria that causes periodontitis (advanced gum disease) and Alzheimer’s Disease. Porphyomonas gingivalis is a bacteria that can result in chronic periodontitis. The bacteria was discovered in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The research study, “Porphyromonas […]